Saturday, February 6, 2010

I am writing...

Time flies. Yes, I have started this blog now with no purposes at all. All I do is write. I used to think that I was born to write but I was a kid then. Anyway, it is for my own satisfaction. Who knows it may serve some purpose tomorrow. It’s been couple of years that I was trying to write in English but because of school, mainly, I could not focus. I wrote few things, started writing on facebook but could not do it on a regular basis. Now that I am somewhat free, I have to come up with some other excuses. I kept making excuses.

English is not my first language. I have been little hesitant to write in English because I loved Nepali too much. I loved English equally but was doubtful if I could do justice. Now my whole idea of “language” has been changed. Language cannot be someone’s property and there is no trademark for it. I am not writing English paper anymore. So why worry about the grammars and punctuation? The problem a foreign guy faces when writing English is: he is too cautious of the mistakes that he is going to make. He is more concerned with the commas, colon, and semicolons than the real message. That was a problem for me as well. I wrote in Nepali and people liked it. I loved writing in Nepali simply because I did not care much about grammar rules, colons and semicolons. I created my own words. I made it easy. I believe even writings that is written in simple language can be the best literature ever. The problem with non English writer is simple- he tries to pick words that are never used in spoken English, tries to complicate the sentence by strange vocabulary that are not making any sense.

I was recently going through two books: Old Man and The Sea by Hemingway and All and Everything by Gurdjieff. Gurdjueff was so difficult guy to read, his one sentence could be ten pages long. By the time I could finish the last word, I forgot what he was trying to say in the beginning. Anyway, he was a great writer but not a lot is remembered about him, at least because of the language and the absurdity in his language. He was a very dangerous man. Hemingway wrote his Old Man and The Sea so easily, so indifferently that it became one of the best books ever written. The sentences are easy and flowing. He didn’t complicate too much although he exaggerated it a little bit. And of course, literature is a kind of exaggeration, which is artfully done.

I had lot of excuses not to write. But as is said: time has to come for everything. This is a big step. Lets see where it goes.

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