Tuesday, March 22, 2011

आयौ भने पनि/आइनौ भने पनि

हिजो आज त भोलिका

जीवनका हरेक क्षणहरु

भाग्यमा लेखिएको भए,

म उदेश्यहीन बतासको

नलेखिएको ईतिहासमा

तिम्रा सपनाहरु देखिएको भए,

मेरो खुला निमन्त्रणा छ,

मेरो यही प्रेमिलो आशा छ-

समुन्द्र र शितलहरझै

हाम्रो संगम पक्कै होला

मेरो यात्रा कवी सम्मको छ,

तिम्रो यात्रा रवी सम्मको छ,

बिच बाटोमा मायाको ठक्कर लागे,

दु:ख सुखमा दुई आत्मामा

एउटै सुशेली पक्कै बज्ला ।

मेरी नयाँ साथी !

तिमी आयौ भने पनि/आइनौ भने पनि,

म किन!रको पिपल छायामा बसेर

तिमी नदी बगेको हेर्नेछु,

मेरी अनन्त यात्राकी

सम्भावित सहयात्री !

तिमी मसँग छायौ भने पनि/ छाइनौ भने पनि

यही दुई पललाई सम्झेर

बिरहको कविता केर्नेछु ।

डर यति मात्र हो-

यदि मोहनी लगायौ भने,


मेरो मुटु चोरेर भागायौ भने,

म गरिव भिखरी

मायाको कमन्डलु बोकेर

को सँग मायाको भिख मागुँ?

तिमी सपना श्रीगार्ने मान्छे,

सागर पुगेर मलाई बिर्सियौ भने

म फेदिमा बसेर

को सँग तिम्रो ठेगाना सोधु??


Irving, Texas

Sunday, March 20, 2011

HOLY day

This year I missed Holi. Other day someone asked me about my Holi this year. I never liked Holi. Holi has turned out to be very ugly these days. Last year I said Holi was just expression of women's repressed sexual feelings of centuries. Few people got mad but I cannot make everyone happy. Just like they say-I can only make one person happy in a day and today may not be your day. Anyway, it has not helped women in any way. Holi has turned out to be very ugly these days. Remember Holi days in Nepal and India when so much perverts Nepalese and Indian people make fun of their own women. Rocketing them with balloons of water from rooftops, indecently touching and grabbing stranger women walking to work or school, sometime targeting their delicate areas with balloons and what not? It worse than us allies attacking Libyans with hundreds of missiles this week.

I don't know why people don't worry about their own business? "Nepalese Holi celebrators and so called "UN council watch dogs"Americans & Europeans! Hatti and hattichhap chappal (Elephant and Elephant brand Flipflop). If people could celebrate their festivals with their own people, and mind their own life, world would be better place to live. I believe that every day we should celebrate of this beautiful life, not just for a day. Keep "Holi" day aside and make it a HOLY day; everyday. Best Wishes.

3/20/2010 Sun

Garland, Texas

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Belt Line... Memory Lane

World has gone smaller. My parents and teachers always told me that I never used my memorizing capacity to the fullest. If I had, I would be in different world. I could probably remember my past lives if I wanted. But wanting and not wanting was the question. Whatsoever, I like memory lane. As I drive in Belt Line road, I go through memory in my solitude driving.  From Mahankal Chaur VDC to Dallas County, from a cowboy to so called medical professional ...every bytes of it, every piece of it, jam packed in the nerves... Problem is:  life does not end here. Journey has been good so far. From now on, I can always claim that I have seen America, visited Europe, Asia, Atlantic ...because they were either on my transit on my journey inside journey, or I flew over them. I can claim anything, because I have seen people claiming that and I laugh inside. Let people laugh, laughing is good. Actually, I have been to the whole of universe.  My memory includes the conscious stories of all past lives and infinite universes.
My grandfather always said- "people will do whatever they came here to do but most people come as human because they don't like to eat grass" I memorize that sentence more than any other verses in any religious books.  
People try to change taste as it becomes boring. Life can be boring too. For some, world is too good to live; for others world is too bad too live.... Lots of people commit suicide because of these two reasons. There is no hope. After death, who cares who is going to be Knight, who is going to be King?  May be Nepalese people do. But whatever... I hope I don't have to remember that I will suffer and die of cancer. That is future. I don't worry about future that much. My deal is of present. My past was a deal and my future is also a deal, which was already in the books.  Neither I feel regret of all those people in the past, nor I was commanded to. Nor I worry about anyone in the future. It makes perfectly no sense to not enjoy the present. Enjoying the emptiness of the present is the best there is. Enjoy if you can the ... facebook picture of your friend's first born who is still with umbilical cord but has already starred in the "celebrity status" in the Facebook. Shame on those people who scares the crap out of other people, people who are genuinely trying to like a blood covered newborn.  Ask me I will say-"whatever idiots... do whatever you have come here to do."  And one more thing, the important of all- I go to church and love Jesus. No worries!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Absence and Peoples Addiction to Facebook

Hey blog! I am back. Its been a while. I was too busy, too worried to write about what was going on. Few things happened but I was aware. I already knew it was going to happen. Every Friday coworkers pre-celebrate their weekend at work. People amuse themselves in different way. For me Fridays means nothing, another week gone... time passing by and getting older, balder, and meaner every day. I got that from a Jain saint. He said getting wiser means getting older, grayer, balder and meaner because, as time goes on, wiser become aloof of what going around them. I take that as a complement to myself. They are not worried about who changed their profile status in face book, which celebrities slept with who, who got married or divorced and etc. etc. It bugs me sometime when people are concerned more about Kate Middleton's ring, or wedding gown and what not or Justin's haircut then their own. What a world! Facebook these days gives all these people who are suffering with inferiority complex, lost in the world a chance to shine, to write something... to hallucinate for a little while about their "so felt celebrity status" or facebook gives them a chance to peek what going in other peoples' life. Yeah what can I do, then to stay aloof and enjoy the moment? In every scenario, being silent and praying is the best.



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