Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ye of Little Faith!

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Mathew 6:26.

Jesus was travelling in a ship with his disciples and was asleep. It started raining with lightining and thunderstorm. The ship started sinking. His disciples, who had seen Jesus do mircales, walk on the sea and first believed he was the only son of God, lost their faith and hope and cried on to Jesus and woke him up to save them. When Jesus woke up, said: "Ye of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"

It is a lesson to all Christian and non Christians. The message is so simple but human nature is such, we can't stop worrying. So I am writing in a very simple language- so that the message could be grasped

I heard some Nepali guy hit his own car again to claim insurance money. My heart is troubled. I like to say- "Ye of little faith… You steal money from gas stations where you work, you burn your own motel to collect insurance money, and you destroy your own car to get insurance money. What will be your answer when you stand before the judgment? Will you say that you stole because you think you would not survive from the money you are paid in your job? Will you say- "I hit my own car to collect insurance money because I had to buy a new car, or will you say- "I did it because I had to show how clever I am."

Ye of little faith, why would you sell your soul for that little bit of money? Not only you will go to hell, your consequences are waiting for you in near future. There is a Nepali saying: Paap dhuri bata karauchha" meaning Sin's consequences will be declared from your own roof"

Eastern spirituality has a word which describes our soul- "Jeevan Jyoti"- the beautiful soul which has an eager quest for God. Money, properties, family, all materistic happiness that people enjoy with thier brain is nothing compared to what the pure soul truly enjoys. The true nature of the soul is to live a faithful life. The primary purpose of the Life is to enjoy life with the blissfulness of God's mercy, with prayers and love.

Please do not be a pump. Do not sell your soul. Even bird in the sky does not worry about tomorrow and stores in barn. You are better. You can still drive your old car. You will not die of hunger. The value of a single soul is greater than the value of the whole world. I am deeply troubled with lack of faith in people. You need not steal money from job, nor had to hit your own car, God knows everything.

Please do not sell your soul. Don't do it. I can't use simpler language than this. Have faith. Keep your hopes. It is not false.

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