Thursday, July 7, 2011

An Upsetting Week.

What a week.  One retarded clown makes fun of his intelligence in the court, making hilarious comments and getting scolded by the judge many times but wins the case anyway. The whole tension has shifted somewhere.  Nobody cares about the little baby that died. They still don't know who the killer is, how, when, where, why...? And its not about the baby and justice anymore. It's now about the juror's addiction to what they got "celebrity status", money from interviews, possible book signing, etc. Shame on the defense lawyer, the jurors and their motives!  He and one of those "articulate" jurors said- "There were circumstantial evidences but nothing beyond reasonable doubt, we may feel different in our heart but....  Not guilty does not mean anything..." Yes if she is not guilty who is?? Jurors? System? Why put some mediocre jurors in such a sensitive case and make fun of a dead baby? Why a clown now starts bragging about his student life at law school and a middle of road career and not bothered about the justice that was not done. Which is important-the fact that the baby's killer is not yet punished or the fact that it was a case which a clown wins?

This week has shown how weak is this American justice system. This incident shed light on the safety of little kids in USA. I can't believe how far a pathetic woman can go just to participate in a "hot body" contest, and how people can be greedy to gain some popularity. Shame on these idiots! But one thing I am assured, justice will be done one day. Everyone will be judged- the jurors, the lawyers, mothers, her parents and the judge. I wish this happens right here, in this earth sooner than later.

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