Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Justice on Earth

Casey Anthony got away. Not guilty. Almost the whole world is surprised. I was following it closely. I can't really make up my mind to call her guilty or not. But it has triggered something in my mind again.

There are times, when I wonder what would Jesus or Krishna or Buddha would do or suggest to do in this case. Would they say "wait till the murderer show up in heaven/hell?" Krishna said- you should fight for justice, even give your life to preserve righteousness in society. If you die-heaven. If you win-good job, you will still be rewarded in this earth. Krishna's philosophy has failed miserably in India. Jesus Christ calls for forgiveness, turning other cheek. Neither of their statements were directed to anything like the situation here. Still, I don't see how it fits to modern society. I am blank. Anyway,  Sometimes it bothers me to see the lack of award and punishment system in this world. I care after death too. Justice will be done, I am happy but what about now, this life? What about the justice in this life? What about punishment and rewards in this life? Why good people suffer, live in poverty, suffer with disease, betrayed, killed, forced to drink poison? Why the antagonists are rich, happy, healthy? Psychologists say that even in the most evil heart, there is a soft corner where stays a remorse, a voice that tells them that they are wrong, in their subconscious mind; somewhere, they cry with pity for themselves. I have searched so many evil souls, looked each and every corners of their heart and failed to see any silver lining. It just has black clouds. Are they going to be punished?  The suffering of this world is true. May be its not as bad as ever lasting suffering but it is suffering of course. Only sufferer knows the pain. The wealth, happiness of this world may be materialistic and illusion, but its real for this world. It is short and of not much importance but its true to enjoy it. Why not make it simple? Good work-reward, Bad work- punishment. Here and there, everywhere.

I have tried most of my life, the "forgiving" Jesus mentioned in his life, but how much can I forgive? How can can I compromise on my own human intelligent reasoning and turn my cheek? What if the other guys never had that remorse corner that psychologists claim? What if I lose the war? Should I keep going on forgiving or start fighting and confronting? Should I fight to kill snakes, that spoil the society? Is it my duty? Jesus also called Herold "Fox" and Scribes and Pharisees "fools, hypocrites, blind guides, whited sepulchers, murderers, a generation of snakes. He didn't turn his cheek on the temple incident, did he? He turned over tables, and verbally tortured tax collectors(money exchangers), people who were selling doves and cattle. He drove all the cattle out of there. What should we really do? Should we build countries and armies? Should we build a justice system with courts and cops? Are we obligated? Even if we do, can we judge fairly? Are we capable of delivering unbiased verdict? OR should we just remain aloof, hoping for the best, drink poison, stoned to death or put on cross? Should we let the snakes, foxes rule and remain weak and exposed to suffering when there could be better options? 

Few years, I have tried hardly to keep out of these jackals and snakes. I am finally frustrated because I don't believe these jackals has any remorse in their heart, and I see them slipping away from punishment, no suffering, no sympathy for the innocent lamb they have butchered, still smiling sarcastically and walking away. They never really acknowledged my forgiveness. My so called "good deed" are not rewarded. Not that I expect reward or apology from the snakes, but I don't want suffering for good deeds either. Where is the motivation in that? I don't want to crucified, because I am not Jesus, and my crucifixion means nothing to anyone. Nobody will write gospels on me for I am not worth a dime. I am just a piece of invisible dust in this vast universe. Who cares about me and my good deeds? Even my own heart is not happy when I see "bad deed performing pretentious jackals" salivating by the side, or a snake trying to swallow a frog. Is it my ignorance that I keep feeding milk to a snake? God! I can't wait much.


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